Eric H. Jung

"It is the quality of your mind, rather than your circumstances, that determines the quality of your life." -SH

FoxyProxy creator. As of Feb 2025, it has about 100 million downloads and 750,000 active daily users. It's an open-source browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge which spawned a business that continues today; one of the first proxy/vpn vendors.

Ex-Firefox developer. My name is on the Mozilla Monument: side: 1, upper panel, row 43, number 9

sardines! video game I wrote in April 2021 for my son's 3rd birthday. Not mobile friendly. My first video game. I wrote it to learn video game programming.

PasswordMaker creator. Millions of installations. Open-source password manager before the rise of monetized password managers like 1Password, LastPass, and KeyPass.

PasswordMaker had dozens of implementations: iPhone, Android, browser extensions, native, and even Python and Java libraries -- some written by me, others written by developers whom I never knew. PasswordMaker established a de-facto, portable standard for password generation that works offline and without any database to be hacked. It continues to inspire many new implementations even in 2024.

Java XML Programmer's Reference author. Written and published by Wrox Press before self-publishing was a thing.